Thursday, September 26, 9 am. to 6 pm, University of Turin , Department of Psychology, Via Verdi, 10

The event provides an opportunity for an analysis of the occupational safety situation in the framework of public health protection in our country, resuming reflection on one of the most relevant among the themes proposed by the Job Film Days film festival. Before getting to the heart of the event, with screenings of the films in theaters, the spaces of the Department of Psychology of the University of Turin (Via Verdi 10) will host a conference on September 26 dedicated to occupational safety.
The Italian Sociology Association, Section of Sociology of Health and Medicine, the Job Film Days Ets Association, the University of Turin and its Department of Psychology have decided to promote a dialogue between different disciplinary fields. Guests will include Piedmont Region Health Councillor Federico Riboldi, Turin City Council Deputy Mayor Michela Favaro, Professor Anna Rosa Favretto, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, scientific coordinator of the Sociology of Health and Medicine Section, and Annalisa Lantermo, director of Job Film Days. Also speaking at the conference will be Raffaele Guariniello (former magistrate), Filippo Barbera (University of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto), Tino Magni (chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of accidents at work and occupational diseases), Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (scientific director of the Center for Research and Service on Social and Health Integration, Marche Polytechnic University), Giuseppe Costa (epidemiologist, University of Turin), Daniela Converso (director of the Department of Psychology, University of Turin), Stefano Tomelleri (president of the Italian Association of Psychology). In addition to Marinella De Maffutis (Anmil), Fabio Lo Faro (director INAIL Piemonte), Gabriella Viberti (health economist), Nicoletta Cornaggia (Interregional Technical Coordination of Prevention in the Workplace), Angelo Serina (director of the Labor Inspectorate Turin-Aosta), Sebastiano Calleri (National CGIL), Fabio Pontrandolfi (Confindustria).
Short films on the topics covered in the conference will be presented during the day.

Methods of access: free entry.

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