This year Job Film Days is going to be at Turin’s International Salone del Libro with two events on Sunday May the 12th.

From 2pm, at Inail-Inps Piemonte area (stand T 178 at OVAL), Annalisa Lantermo, director of the Festival, will chat with Fabio Lo Faro, CEO of Inail Piemonte, and with Valentina D’Amelio, responsible for selecting contests for the Festival. This conversation will focus on the dramatic reality of work injuries and how cinema can promote and illustrate this much needed prevention.

A bit later, at 4 pm, a shift from the storytelling to production will occur at Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro (stand L27 – Hall 2). Annalisa Lantermo will take part in a meeting managed by Luisella Fassino, councilor and member of the Centro Studi dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro di Torino (Turin Labor Consultants’ Association Study Centre), in which film production will be discussed, with a special focus on work issues and on the Job Film Days “From the idea to the subject” writing workshop, now in its third edition. Sergio Fergnachino, filmmaker and workshop tutor, Valentina D’Amelio and Sirio Giuliani, winner of the Best Subject 2023 JFD Award, together with Bruno Ugioli will also take part in it.