Friday 30th september at 15.00, Cinema Massimo, Screen 3

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Director: Francesca Comencini
Script: Francesca Comencini
Photography: Luca Bigazzi
Editing: Massimo Fiocchi
Music: Gianni Coscia, Gianluigi Trovesi
Starring: Nicoletta Braschi, Camille Dugay Comencini, Marina Buoncristiani, Roberta Celea, Assunta Cestaro, Stefano Colace, Claudia Coli, Marcello Miglio, Moses Chika Obijaku, Marian Serban, Frederique Siguier, Fabrizio Tola
Producer: Donatella Botti
Production: Bianca Film, Rai Cinema

A young mother with an ill father, Anna works as a chief accountant secretary, a job she carries out with commitment and passion, so much to earn the envy of her colleagues. The corporate structure however undergoes a drastic change following the buyout by a multinational of the company she works in. The new working environment will soon bring many changes for Anna, both in her employment and private life.

Francesca Comencini (Rome, Italy, 1961) born into a family of artists, she dropped out of the University in the early Eighties and then began her director career. After her premiere with Pianoforte, presented and awarded at the Venice International Film Festival, she directed movies in France and then returned to work in Italy. In addition to having directed documentaries, among which Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo presented at Cannes, Francesca Comencini also signed feature films like Mi piace lavorare (Mobbing) presented at the Berlin Film Festival. An eclectic and multifaceted director, she has also worked in Gomorra – The series and the recent Luna Nera (2020) mini series.

Filmography: Pianoforte (1984), La lumière du lac (1988), Annabelle partegée (1991), Elsa Morante (1997, doc, mlf), Shakespeare a Palermo (1998), Le parole di mio padre (2001), Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo (2002, doc), Mi piace lavorare (Mobbing) (2004), A casa nostra (2006), In fabbrica (2007, doc), Lo spazio bianco (2009), Un giorno speciale (2012), Gomorra – La serie (2014, tv series), Amori che non sanno stare al mondo (2017), Luna Nera (2020, mini series)