MORIRE DI LAVORO (Italy, 2008, 88′)

Wednesday, October 2 at 9 pm, Cinema Massimo, Screen 3

Event in collaboration with the Italian Association of Sociology, Section of Sociology of Health and Medicine and the University of Turin and its Department of Psychology.

On Wednesday, October 2 at 9 pm at Cinema Massimo Job Film Days, with the collaboration of the Italian Association of Sociology, Section of Sociology of Health and Medicine, the University of Turin and the University’s Department of Psychology, will present the documentary Morire di lavoro (Dying at Work) by director Daniele Segre. The film, which gives voice to workers and family members of workers who have died on the job, concludes the conference Occupational Safety in Italy: a Public Health Problem. Matteo Bellizzi presents the film. Followed by a meeting with Paolo Manera (director Film Commission Torino Piemonte).

Methods of access: the event can be accessed by purchasing tickets online or at the Cinema Massimo box office.

Direction, script, screenplay, editing: Daniele Segre
Photography: Marco Carosi, Iacopo De Gregori
Production: I Cammelli s.a.s. with the support of Film Commission Torino Piemonte and Regione Piemonte in collaboration with Sindacato Costruzioni CGIL

This documentary investigates the reality of the construction sector in Italy. The protagonists are the workers and relatives of workers who died on the job who tell their stories, filmed in close-up looking towards the camera. The narrative unfolds through the stories and testimonies of the protagonists. At the same time, the voices of three actors, two Italians and one Senegalese, each play the role of a worker who has died on a building site. In the movie, they talk about fatal accidents on construction sites, pride, how they learned their trades, safety and the lack of it, undeclared work and about ?caporalato? (illegal recruitment of workforce).
«A difficult and painful journey, but necessary to show and encourage the attention needed on the Italian world of labour in which four workers die every day, not to mention the hundreds and thousands of injured people, widows and orphans.» (Daniele Segre).

Daniele Segre (Alessandria, Italy, 1952 – Turin, Italy, 2024) was the author of cinema del reale, fiction films and theatre plays. He debuted as a photographer in Turin in the 1970s; his first films focused on the problems of disadvantaged youth. His works are almost always shown at the Venice Film Festival and at various national and international festivals, receiving various awards, including the Giuliani De Negri Prize at the Venice Film Festival, the Golden Tulip at the Istanbul International Film Festival, the CICAE Prize at the Annecy Italian Film Festival, the Filmmakers prize, and the NICE prize in New York. In 1981, he founded the production company ?I Cammelli? and in 1989 the School of Social Documentation Video (1989-1997). Since 1996, he has taught directing at the Rome branch of the National School of Cinema. In 1995, he made his theatre debut as a director with Annibale Ruccello’s Weekend. His 2008 film Morire di lavoro premiered at the Chamber of Deputies and at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. On November 8, 2012, at the Quirinale, he received the Solinas Prize – Documentary Award for Cinema – honor from the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and on  November 29, the Maria Adriana Prolo Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2012 Turin Film Festival. Since 2014 Segre has been the director of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Aquila National School of cinema (Audiovisual Reportage Course). In June 2015, he was awarded an Honoris Causa diploma by the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia for ?Topical Historical Reportage?. In 2016, he made Nome di battaglia donna, collecting the testimonies of female partisans who participated in the Resistance against Fascism and Nazism between 1943 and 1945.

Filmography (selected): Perché droga (1976, doc), Il potere dev’essere bianconero (1978, doc), Torino, Mercati Generali (1980, doc), Ragazzi di stadio (1980, doc), Torino cronaca, quattro quadri (1981, doc), Marco Cipollino, pugile (1981, doc), Rock (1981, doc), Torino cronaca: Francesca, Anna e Paolo (quinto quadro) (1982, doc), Torino cronaca: matrimonio di Anna e Giuseppe (sesto quadro) (1982, doc), Ritratto di un piccolo spacciatore (cm, 1982, doc), Trip, Tac, Cucu. Torino si diverte (1983, doc), Testadura (1983), Vite di ballatoio (1984, doc), Occhi che videro (1989, doc), Cose da matti (1990, doc), Ospedalizzazione a domicilio (1991, doc), Partitura per volti e voci. Viaggio tra i delegati CGIL (1991, doc), Nord e Sud, ricchezza e povertà in Italia (1992, doc), Manila Paloma Blanca (1992), Crotone, Italia (1993, doc), Un solo grido lavoro (1996, doc), Parèven furmighi (1997, doc), Sto lavorando? (1998, doc), Morire di lavoro (2008, doc), Sic Fiat Italia (così sia Italia) (2011, doc), Ragazzi stadio, quarant’anni dopo (2018), Bruno Segre, l’uomo che non si arrende (2024, doc).