Saturday, October 5, at 3 pm, Cinema Massimo, Screen 3

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Director: Antonio Cuesta
Screenplay: Antonio Cuesta, Adrián Pino
Producers: Fernando Infante, Javier Infante
Photography: Manuel Montero ‘Monty’
Editing: Ro Menéndez
Music: Fernando Infante
Cast: Clare Durant, Ana Pariente, Rafa de Vera, Paula Díaz, Manuel Navarro, Lola Arellano, Mila Fernández Linares, José Rasero, Ignacio de la Puerta, Sofía Navarro

Belén, a young nurse, is accused of being the responsible for the administration of a medicine to a child, causing his death. She is innocent and she can prove it.

Antonio Cuesta (Seville, Spain, 1989) is a director, producer and screenwriter. He is now working on his first feature film.

Filmography: Umbilical (s.f., 2013), Angélica (s.f., 2014), The Bullring (s.f., 2016), The Life Between Two Nights (s.f., 2022), La noche dentro (s.f., 2023).